Command/response table for MSVPP commands (continued)
Command | MSVPP Command | Response | Additional description |
| (host to unit) | (unit to host) |
Ethernet configuration (continued)
Set gateway address | SetGateway•X3@•X3#} | OK] |
Example: | SetGateway•2•} | OK] |
View gateway address | GetGateway} | Gateway•X3@•X3#] |
| SetDHCP•X3@} | Gateway] |
Set DHCP on | OK] |
Set the gateway address of port X3@ to X3#. The Ethernet port (X3@) must be connected to a server or else the media player responds with ERROR.
Set the gateway address of port 2 to
The Ethernet port (X3@) must be connected to a DHCP server or else the media player responds with ERROR.
NOTE: Use the SetIpConfig command to turn DHCP off.
View DHCP status | GetDHCP•X3@} | Dhcp•X3@•X3$] |
| Dhcp] |
View MAC address | GetMacAddr•X3@} | MacAddr•X3@•X3%] | The MAC address is |
| MacAddr] |
Digital inputs and relays commands
NOTE: The commands in this section enable the media player to use its digital inputs and relay outputs ports to control or be controlled by one or more external devices.
JMP 9600 Media
View the status of one | GetInput•X3^} | inputstate•“X3^X3&“] |
or more inputs |
Example 1: | GetInput•3} | inputstate•“3+“] |
Example 2: | GetInput•1•2} | |
Example 3: | GetInput} | |
View the status of one | GetOutput•X3^} | outputstate•”X3^X3&”] |
or more outputs |
Set input trigger on | SetInputTrigger•On} | OK] |
Poll multiple inputs (X3^s) by separating them with spaces (•s) (example 2). If no input is specified, the media player returns the level on all inputs (example 3). Input 3 is high (logic 1).
Input 1 is low (logic 0) and input 2 is high (logic 1).
Poll multiple outputs (X3^s) by separating them with spaces (•s). If no output is specified, the media player returns the level on all outputs.
Set the Digital Inputs ports to automatically report a status change such as a switch closure.
Player • Programming Guide 70
NOTE: If the input trigger is on, the media player sends an input state message to the connected computer when the state of an input changes. The message is similar to the response
to the GetInput message (above) and contains the current state of all inputs. The show control system must determine which input or inputs have changed and act accordingly.
Set input trigger off | SetInputTrigger•Off} | OK] | Set the Digital Inputs ports to ignore a status change. |
Set output level | Setoutput•X3^X3&} | outputstate•”1X3&”•”2X3&”•”3X3&”•”4X3&”] | |
Example 1: | Setoutput•1+] | Set multiple output levels (X3^s) by separating them | |
Example 2: | with spaces (•s) (example 2). | ||
KEY: X3@ = Ethernet port | “Eth0” or “Eth1” (for LAN port 1) or “Eth2” (for LAN port 2) |
NOTE: “Eth0” is accepted the same as “Eth1” in a Set command. “Eth0 is never reported in the response.
X3# = IP address, netmask, gateway address | ###.###.###.### | |
X3$ = DHCP on/off status | “On“ or “Off” | |
X3% | = Hardware (MAC) address | ##:##:##:##:##:## |
X3^ = Digital Input port or Relay output port | 1, 2, 3, or 4 | |
X3& = Level | “+“ = high level, logic 1; |