Command/response table for MSVPP commands (continued)
Command MSVPP Command
(host to unit)
(unit to host)
Additional description
Playlist properties
NOTE: Property names are case sensitive.
Set playlist properties SetPlaylistPropertiesX$X(X1)} OK]Set the property X( to a value of X1) for playlist X$.
Include multiple property names (X(s) and values (X1)s
by separating them with spaces (•s) (example 2).
Example 1: SetPlaylistPropertiesCanyon documentary.espl.xmlStartTime00:01:30:00}
OK]Set the Canyon documentary to start playing at
1 minute, 30 seconds, and 00 frames, based on the LTC
time reference.
Example 2: SetPlaylistPropertiesCanyon documentary.espl.xmlStartTime00:01:30:24StopTime00:11:30:00}
OK]Set the Canyon documentary to start playing at
1 minute, 30 seconds, and 00 frames and stop playing
at 11 minutes, 30 seconds, and 00 frames, based on
the external LTC time reference.
View playlist properties GetPlaylistPropertiesX$X(} PlaylistPropertyX(X1)]
Get the property variable (X1)) for the listed playlist
property (X$X(). Include multiple property names (X(s)
by separating them with spaces (•s) (example 2). If no
property is specified, the media player returns all playlist
properties (example 3).
Example 1: GetPlaylistPropertiesCanyon documentary.espl.xmlTimecodeMode}
Example 2: GetPlaylistPropertiesCanyon documentary.espl.xmlTimecodeModePlayAt}
Example 3: GetPlaylistPropertiesCanyon documentary.espl.xml}
PlaylistProperties”Path””Canyon documentary.espl.xml”]
Delete playlist
DeletePlaylistPropertiesX$X(} OK]Delete one or more playlist properties. Include multiple
property names (X(s) by separating them with spaces (•s).
Example: DeletePlaylistProperties•Canyon documentary.espl.xml• PlayAt•StartTime}Delete the “PlayAt” and “StartTime” properties from
the Canyon documentary playlist.
KEY: X$ = Playlist name Name of a playlist le (such as “Canyon documentary.espl.xml”)
X( = Property name “PlayAt“, “StartTime“, “StopTime“, or “TimecodeMode”
X1) = Playlist property value If X( = “TimecodeMode“: X1) = “Disabled“, “Generate“, or “Receive”
If X( = “PlayAt“, “StartTime“, or “StopTime“: X1) = nn:nn:nn:nn (hours:minutes:seconds:frame)
If X( = “Path“: X1) = the path to the playlist file (an empty character if the file is in the root playlist folder)
JMP 9600 Media Player • Programming Guide 64