Chapter 3 – Using the Web Management Software

General Configuration

Date and Time: The system date and time display in these formats: DD/MM/YYYY / HH:MM:SS. SNTP Client must be enabled and you must have a live Internet connection for the date and time to display correctly.

IP Configuration

Enter the following addresses for the Ethernet interface.

IP Address (Default =, Mask (Default, Default Gateway (Default, Primary DNS (Default, Secondary DNS (Default

Note: See Appendix A – Table of Commonly Supported Subnets.

Auto Dialout Configuration

Auto Dialout: Check the box to enable/disable Auto Dialout. Default = Enable.

Raw Dialout: Check the box to enable/disable raw mode for an Auto Dialout session. Default = Disable.

Auto Dialout Login: Check the box to enable or disable Auto Dialout Login feature. Default = Enable.

Auto Dialout Port: Enter the serial Auto Dialout Port number. Default = 5000.

Handle EIA Signal: Check the box to enable/disable the EIA standard signal characteristics (time and duration) used between different electronic devices.

Inactivity: Enter the time in seconds that the auto dialout session will stay active before going inactive.

Syslog Configuration

Syslog: Check the box to enable or disable Syslog. Default = Disable.

Syslog Server IP Address: If a Remote Syslog Server IP Address is specified, the syslog feature acts as a remote Syslog.

Auto Discovery

Auto Discovery: Check the box to enable or disable Auto Discovery to broadcast (MAC level), the MAC Address, IP Address, and DHCP information to the configured server port. Default = Enable.

Server Port: Enter the Server Port Number. Default port is 1020.

Broadcast Timer: Enter the amount of time in seconds for the auto-discovery packet granularity of periodic broadcasting. Default is 10 seconds.

Auto Reboot Timer Configuration

Auto Reboot Timer: Enter the number of hours to lapse between each automatic reboot. The default of zero deactivates the timer. Range is 0 to 999.

Telnet Configuration

Enables/Disables the Telnet port. The default is Enable.

Submit Button

Click the Submit button to save these settings. Note: You must click Save and Restart once you have completed and submitted all the screens on which you have made changes.

IP Setup > HTTP Configuration

HTTP Configuration

HTTP Port: Enter the port number on which the HTTP server will listen for requests. Default is 80.


User Name: Enter the User Name that can access to the Web Management software. Default is admin.

Password: Enter the Password for access to the Web Management software. Default is admin.

Note: You should change the password to one of your choosing. It can be up to 12 characters. Use a safe password. Your first name spelled backwards is not a sufficiently safe password; a password such as xfT35$4 is better.

Submit Button

Click the Submit button to save these settings. Note: You must click Save and Restart once you have completed and submitted all the screens on which you have made changes.

Multi-Tech Systems, Inc. MultiModem Wireless Modem with Ethernet Interface (S000375F)


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Multi-Tech Systems MTCBA-G-EN-FX General Configuration, IP Configuration, Auto Dialout Configuration, Syslog Configuration