Chapter 3 – Using the Web Management Software
Packet Filters
Packet Filters > Packet Filters.
You can Delete or Edit a packet filter rule after it has been defined and added by using the table at the bottom of the screen.
Packet Filter
From (Host/Networks): Enter the network/host from which the packet must originate for the filter rule to match. The Any option, which matches all IP addresses regardless of whether they are officially assigned addresses or private addresses, may also be entered. The network/host must be
Service: Enter the service that is to be matched with the filter rule. These services must be pre- defined in the Services section. These services precisely define the traffic to be filtered.
To (Host/Networks): Enter the network/host to which the packet must send for the filter rule to match. The Any option, which matches all IP addresses regardless of whether they are officially assigned addresses or private addresses, may also be entered. The network/host must be
Action: Enter the action that the packet filter executes if the rule matches any traffic traversing the firewall. Types of actions defined are:
Accept: Allows/accepts all packets that match this rule.
Reject: Blocks all packets that match this rule. The host sending the packet will be informed that the packet has been rejected.
Drop: Blocks all packets that match this rule, but the host is not informed; i.e., this is a silent drop.
Log: Packets matching the rule; i.e., the corresponding source address, destination address, and service will be logged.
Add Button: Click the Add button. The defined packet filter rule is added and will display at the bottom of the screen.
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