Chapter 3 – Using the Web Management Software
IP Setup > SNTP Configuration
General Configuration
SNTP Client: Enable or disable the SNTP Client to contact the configured server on the UDP port 123 and set the local time. The default is Disable.
Server: Enter the SNTP server name or IP address to which the SNTP Client must contact in order to update the time. No default.
Polling Time: Enter the polling time at which the SNTP client requests the server to update the time. Default is 300 minutes. Time must be entered in minutes.
Time Zone Configuration
Time Zone: Enter your time zone. Default = UTC (Universal Coordination). See the following Web site for Time Zone information: http://wwp.greenwichmeantime.com/info/timezone.htm
Time Zone Offset: Enter +/- hh:mm. Default = +00:00. Offset is the amount of time varying from the standard time of a Time Zone.
Daylight Configuration
Daylight Saving: Enables/disables Daylight Saving mode. The default is Enable.
Daylight Saving Offset: Set the offset to use during Daylight Saving mode. Default is +60 minutes. Enter the time in + / - minutes.
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