Chapter 12 LQG/H-Infinity Synthesis
© National Instruments Corporation 12-9 Xmath Interactive Control Design Module
The weighted output vector z consists of the following:
Filtered inputs ( )
Plant states (xp)
Filtered plant outputs ( )
Integrated, filtered plant outputs (yI)
The disturbance input vector (w) consists of the following:
General LQG state disturbances (wx)
General LQG output disturbances (wy)
Input-referred disturbances or process noise (wp)
Measurement, or sensor noise (ws)
Filter noise (wF)
Reference noise for the purpose of setpoint tracking (wr)
The measured output consists of the following:
Integrated, filtered measured plant outputs (yI,sens)
Filtered measured plant outputs ( )
Measured plant outputs (yp,sens)