Chapter 3 ICDM Main Window
Xmath Interactive Control Design Module 3-8 ni.com
of Plots section. If another plot is subsequently selected for magnifying,
itwill replace the current plot in the plot magnify window.
The Plot Magnify window is a separate window that shows one of the
ICDM main plots. The Plot Magnify window, shown in Figure3-4, can
be independently resized by the window manager. The ranges of the Plot
Magnify window can also be independently set.
Figure 3-4. Plot Magnify Window
It also is possible to select a portion of a plot for magnification. Click and
drag the left mouse button with the cursor in an ICDM plot. While holding
the left mouse button down, you can drag out a box (shown in dashed lines);
when you release, the dashed box becomes the range for the magnified plot.
You also can drag out a box in the magnified plot itself. This effectively
changes the range of the magnified plot.
By selecting Plot»New Plot Magnify or pressing <Ctrl-N> in the ICDM
Main window, you can select a plot for magnification. In this case, the new
plot will appear in a new Plot Magnify window. When multiple Plot
Magnify windows are open, the Plot Magnify command will send the
selected plot to the most recently created Plot Magnify window. New Plot
Magnify will create a new Plot Magnify window.