Chapter 9 History Window
© National Instruments Corporation 9-3 Xmath Interactive Control Design Module
Deleting History List EntriesAny number of designs on the history list can be deleted by selecting them
and then clicking Delete. To renumber the remaining designs, you can
select Edit»Renumber.
Refer to Appendix A, Using an Xmath GUI Tool, for a discussion of how
to select multiple, non-contiguous entries in a list.
To Continue Designing from a Saved ControllerFirst, select the desired design to make it the ICDM current controller.
Then, select an appropriate synthesis window from the Synthesis menu in
the ICDM Main Window. If the synthesis window you select is compatible
with the controller, it will appear, initialized with the current controller, and
the History window will disappear. You now can continue designing.
Alternatively, you can select a design on the history list and then click the
→Synthesis button at the bottom of the History window. This does two
things: first, it makes that entry active—that is, the current controller—and
second, it opens the appropriate synthesis window, which closes the
History window.
Cycling Through DesignsThe Cycle button is used to quickly compare some of the designs on the
history list. First, select several designs from the list and then click the
Cycle button. Refer to Appendix A, Using an Xmath GUI Tool, for a
discussion of how to select multiple, non-contiguous entries in a list.
Clicking Cycle causes the current controller to cycle among the selected
entries. Therefore, the Cycle button is used both to select a subset of
designs for cycling and to cycle the current controller among the selected
Writing a Saved Design to XmathTo write a design that has been saved on the history list to Xmath, select it
so it becomes the current controller for ICDM, and then save to Xmath by
selecting File»Write Controller in the ICDM Main window.