Chapter 12 LQG/H-Infinity Synthesis
© National Instruments Corporation 12-5 Xmath Interactive Control Design Module
The weights ρu,i,ρy,j,ρu,andρy are then replaced with noise variances
νu,i,νy,j,νu,andνy. The noise level parameter in the main LQG/H∞
window is related to the noise levels in this window by υ=υy/υu.
Decay Rate WindowThe Decay Rate window is shown in Figure12-3. From top to bottom, it
consists of:
• A menu bar with entries Special, Edit, View, and Help.
• A plotting area that contains two plots:
– A plot of controller poles, and a vertical line indicating the
decay rate.
– A plot of estimator poles, and a vertical line indicating the
decay rate.
Figure 12-3. LQG/H-Infinity Decay Rate Window
H-Infinity Performance WindowThe H∞ Performance window, shown in Figure12-4 , consists of, from top
to bottom:
• A menu bar with entries Special, Edit, View, and Help.
• A plot area that contains a plot of the closed-loop transfer matrix along
with the parameter γ, which can be grabbed and dragged to a new