Chapter 3 ICDM Main Window
Xmath Interactive Control Design Module 3-6
In the ICDM Main window, the Plot Choices dialog box is used to select
any combination of the eight plots. This dialog box is modal so you cannot
interact with any other Xmath window until you dismiss it.
Ranges of Plots
The ranges for the plots can be set in the Ranges window, shown in
Figure 3-3. The Ranges window can be made to appear by selecting
PlotĀ»Ranges or pressing <Ctrl-R> in the ICDM Main window. The
Ranges window also is used to determine the number of points used
in the plots.
ICDM provides two convenient ways to select ranges for the plots. The first
is to use the Autoscale feature which can be invoked from the Plot menu
orfrom the Ranges window. When Autoscale is invoked, ICDM tries to
assign sensible ranges to the plots but does not always succeed. The second
convenient method for changing the ranges of plots is to use interactive
re-ranging, which is described in the General Plotting Features section
of Chapter 2, Introduction to SISO Design.
The ICDM Ranges window, shown in Figure3-3, is used to set the analysis
ranges and plot ranges for the ICDM Main window.