© National Instruments Corporation 7-1 Xmath Interactive Control Design Module
LQG Synthesis
This chapter discusses the LQG Synthesis window, which is used to
synthesize a linear quadratic Gaussian (LQG) controller for a SISO plant.
If you select LQG synthesis with a MIMO plant, you will get the MIMO
LQG Synthesis window described in Chapter 12, LQG/H-Infinity

LQG Synthesis Window Anatomy

The LQG Synthesis window is shown in Figure 7-1. From top to bottom,
A menu bar with entries Special, Edit, View, and Help.
A message area that describes the synthesis mode (type of controller);
for example, LQG with integral action.
A control panel for changing the four design parameters:
Control cost parameter (ρ)
Sensor noise parameter (υ)
Integral action time constant (Tint)
Decay rate or exponential time weighting parameter (a)
These parameters are described in greater detail later in this chapter.