Chapter 11 Introduction to MIMO Design
Xmath Interactive Control Design Module 11-6
options, the user clicks the Show all options button after which the plot
options window shown in Figure 11-3 opens. From this window, all
transfer functions mentioned in the Transfer Functions section can be
Figure 11-2. Plot Choices Window for the MIMO Case
MIMO Plot WindowFor a more detailed MIMO transfer function plot, an option labeled MIMO
plot is available under the Main window menu bar. This plot will display
MIMO responses in a matrix format, where each element of the transfer
function is displayed individually in one element of the plot matrix
(Figure 11-4). Figure 11-4 shows the MIMO Plot window with a step
response plot of the transfer function, arranged as a matrix.
The MIMO Plot window offers a choice between either:
• Step response
• Frequency response magnitude
• Frequency response phase
The type of transfer function displayed can be selected by clicking one of
the buttons at the bottom of the window. When an alternate plant is selected,
the MIMO plot will contain two responses in each element of the plot
matrix—one for the plant, and one for the alternate plant.