© National Instruments Corporation 6-1 Xmath Interactive Control Design Module
Pole Place Synthesis
This chapter discusses the Pole Place Synthesis window, which is used to
design a SISO controller by assigning the closed-loop poles. Pole Place
operates in two modes:
Normal mode (integral action not enforced)
Integral action mode
The Pole Place Synthesis window cannot be used to design MIMO
Window Anatomy
The Pole Place window is shown in Figure 6-1. From top to bottom,
it consists of:
A menu bar with entries Special, Edit, View, and Help.
A toggle button used to set normal or integral action mode.
A slider and variable-edit box used to time or frequency-scale the
closed-loop poles.
A plot used to display and manipulate the closed-loop poles.
Buttons used to manipulate the closed-loop poles.