© National Instruments Corporation 13-1 Xmath Interactive Control Design Module
Multi-Loop SynthesisThis chapter describes multi-loop synthesis. The Multi-Loop window is
used to synthesize a MIMO controller using PID and Root Locus methods,
applying them one-loop-at-a-time. In many practical industrial
applications, this is the way control systems are designed for complex
multivariable plants.
Multi-Loop Window Anatomy
The Multi-Loop Synthesis window is shown in Figure 13-1. From top to
bottom, it consists of:
• A menu bar with entries Special, Edit, and Help.
• A plot area where SISO control loops can be created graphically.
Wewill call this area the graphical editor.
• A scrolled list of loop names, with actuator and output labels.
•A label Active loop name: and a variable edit box for editing the name
of the highlighted loop.
• A label Status: and a button which can be clicked to change the status
from disabled to enabled, and vice versa.