© National Instruments Corporation 1-1 Xmath Interactive Control Design Module
The Xmath Interactive Control Design Module (ICDM) is a complete
library of classical and modern interactive control design functions that
takes full advantage of Xmath’s powerful, object-oriented, graphical
environment. It provides a flexible, intuitive interactive control design
framework. This manual provides an overview of different aspects of linear
systems analysis, describes the Xmath Interactive Control Design function
library, and gives examples of how you can use Xmath to solve problems

Using This Manual

This manual is meant to complement the Xmath Help system. The Xmath
Help system can be used to find answers to specific questions such as, “In
the Root Locus window, how can I add a new pair of complex poles to the
controller?” In contrast, this manual is intended for describing the general
concepts and operation of the ICDM.

Document Organization

This manual includes the following chapters:
Chapter 1, Introduction, starts with an outline of the manual and some
use notes. It also contains an overview of the Interactive Control
Design Module.
Chapter 2, Introduction to SISO Design, outlines the types of linear
systems the system object represents and then discusses the
implementation of a system within Xmath.
Chapter 3, ICDM Main Window, describes the use of the ICDM Main
Window, which includes communication with Xmath, displaying
warning and log messages, displaying a variety of standard plots,
selecting a synthesis method for controller design, and controlling
auxiliary windows.
Chapter 4, PID Synthesis, discusses the PID synthesis window. This
window is used to synthesize various types of standard classical SISO
controllers such as P, PI, PD, PID, lead-lag, and lag-lead.