Nighthawk AC1900 Smart WiFi Router
For 802.11ac mode, select 5 GHz.
b.In the Name (SSID) field, enter the wireless network name (SSID).
c.In the Security Option section, select a radio button.
d.If prompted, type the passphrase (the WiFi password that you use to connect wirelessly to the other router).
9.Click the Apply button.
The settings for the other router are saved and the Advanced Wireless Settings screen displays.
10.Click the Apply button on the Advanced Wireless Settings screen. Your changes take effect.
Set Up a Wireless Distribution System
The router can act as router a wireless base station or a wireless repeater in a wireless distribution system (WDS). A WDS expands a wireless network through multiple access points. A wireless base station connects to the Internet, can have wired and wireless clients, and sends its wireless signal to an access point that functions as a wireless repeater. A wireless repeater can also have wired and wireless clients, but connects to the Internet through the wireless base station. The following figure shows a wireless repeating scenario.
Base station
access point
Repeater access point
Figure 13. Wireless repeating scenario
Note: To use the wireless repeating function, your router cannot have security enabled and cannot use the auto channel feature.
You must set up a wireless base station and a wireless repeater:
Specify Network Settings