3.2.4 User Terse mode
This mode is especially useful when the SERIMUX is directly controlled by external software from a serial console (as a user without administrative privileges), rather than being controlled by a user from a keyboard interface.
Entering short command strings performs functions similar to the user main menu commands. A [CR] – [LF] sequence ends every string. The commands are not echoed; the SERIMUX returns to the serial console a specific answer if the command is successfully accomplished or an error message otherwise.
Terse mode can be used only if the administrator configures a user port to enter into Terse mode at login (see page 21). If a
Figure 24- User port in Terse mode
From Terse mode, a limited number of functions are possible; Terse mode commands
¾Connect to port
Send or type in:
[C] xx [Enter]
where xx is the port index number. The answer will be: OK [CR][LF][LF][FF]
If an error occurs (i.e. the port is not accessible), the answer will be: Err [CR][LF]
¾Accessible host list
Send or type in:
[H] [Enter]
The answer may be, for example: 02,03,04,05,06,07,08,09,10,11,12,13,14,15,16 [CR][LF]
(the accessible hosts, separated by commas)
¾Port info
Send or type in:
[P] xx [Enter]
where xx is the accessible port index number. The answer may be, for example:
04,H, 9600,8N1 ,N,QS,1X [CR][LF]
where the comma separated fields stand for:
-port index number;
-port type: U or H for User or Host;
-port baud rate;
-data bits (5..7), parity (N, E, O for None, Even, Odd), stop bits (1, 1.5, 2,);
-flow control (N, H, S, B for None, Hard, Soft, Both respectively);
-disconnect sequence length and sequence (i.e. “0 ” for none, “1X ” for
If the port is not accessible to the user, the answer will be: Err [CR][LF]