End of Line Wrap causes the cursor to move to the start of the next line when additional characters are entered at the end of a line.
Attribute sets display attributes to be assigned to each character as it is entered (Char), to be active to the end of the line (Line), or to be active to the end of the page (Page).
F3- Keybd SETUP Menu
Keyclick sets the terminal to sound a muted beep each time a key is pressed or repeated.
Margin Bell sets the terminal's bell to ring when the cursor reaches the column where the bell is set (default is column 72 in 80- column mode or 124 in
NRC ON/OFF determines the communication and keyboard national character set.
DEL Keypad Dot/Del or Comma/Del. Determines whether numlock DEL generates dot or comma.
Key Repeat OFF, 1, .... ,8. Defines key repeat rate after a key has been depressed for about 1/2 second.
Language sets correct terminal operation for the language of the keyboard connected to it: US, UK, Danish, German, Spanish, Swedish, Norwegian, Italian, French, Belgian, Swiss/French, and Swiss/German. Should be set to US.
Bell Volume OFF, 1, 2, 3 (3 different volumes)
Limit Xmt causes the terminal to send data through the HOST port as fast as the baud rate allows (None), or at a maximum rate of 60 cps or 150 cps. In older systems limiting character rate is necessary to prevent loss of data.
Key Code sets the terminal to send normal ASCII characters (ASCII) or
Num Start ON/OFF. When the terminal powers ON, this field determines whether the numeric pad starts as Numeric (NUM ON) or Function (NUM OFF).
F4- Comm SETUP Menu
Baud Rate sets the host port baud rate to 50, 110, 134.5, 200, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 7200, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 76800, or 115200.
Rcv Hndshake allows the terminal to control the receipt of data from a device connected to the SERIAL1 port with no handshaking (None), Xon / Xoff handshaking, DTR handshaking, DTR / Xoff handshaking
XPC Hndshake ON/OFF to set XPC code handshake, only possible when the personality parameter is set to PC Term.
Ethernet Mode ON/OFF to set the communication routing by Ethernet Network / or Serial Port.
Note: Set to ON when using Telnet and OFF when using serial port communication.
Data / Stop Bits through the SERIAL1 port, the terminal to send and receive
Xmt Handshake causes the terminal, when sending data to a device connected to the SERIAL1 port, to ignore all incoming software handshaking signals (None) or to control data output in responds to Xon/Xoff handshaking.
Parallel : sends data to a parallel printer connected to the parallel port.
Serial : sends data to a serial printer connected to the serial 2 port.
OFF : ignores the print command.
Auto Connect OFF/ON selects whether a return character is required to establish an Ethernet connection.
Parity sets the terminal send data to the SERIAL1 (printer) port with none, odd, mark, even, or space parity.
Comm Mode sets the SERIAL1 port communication mode to full duplex (FDX), block (BLK), half duplex (HDX), or half duplex block (HBLK).
Multiple Sessions defines whether an Ethernet connection supports multiple sessions function.
ON : indicates the terminal supports multiple sessions. Each session only has one display page. In 80 or 132 column mode, 8 simultaneous sessions are supported. In
OFF : indicates the terminal only has single session. In this mode page length greater than one page can be defined.