Step 4. Make the directory available to LPD main process
Basically, the method has the following three procedures:
1)Assign the spooling daemon as the owner of this directory.
2)Allow the spooling daemon to be able to read from or write to the directory.
3)Enable the group of LPD main processes to be able to read from or write to the directory.
e.g. If it works on a BSD UNIX host and makes the directory /usr/ spool/ETPS1 (created in step 3) available, then follow these three procedures:
chown daemon /usr/spool/ETPS1 chmod 775 /usr/spool/ETPS1 chgrp daemon /usr/spool/ETPS1
Step 5. Add a remote printer
To add a remote printer, insert a block similar to the following in the /etc/printcap file.
Printer_nameRemote Printer on Ethernet Terminal:\ :lp=:\
:rm=PS_NAME:\ :rp=Logic_Printer_name:\
:sd=<full path of spooler directory name>:\
e.g. If Ethernet Terminal works on a BSD UNIX host, then insert the following block into /etc/printcap file.
ETPS1Remote Printer on Ethernet Terminal:\ :lp=:\
Step 6. Start CPU's print mechanism for BSD version UNIX system
Typing: lpc start printer_name [Enter]
e.g. lpc start ETPS1 [Enter]
Now the Ethernet Terminal is configured to accept LPD printing..
7.3 LPD printing
LPD protocol is
For BSD system: lpr
For System V version: lp
This command is to print selected file to the selected printer.
e.g. lpr