Figure 8 - Measuring B_DDR3D_XX RdB_DatHi / Lo Read Data Setup & Hold

Now the sample point positions must be set for the RdA_DatHi, RdA_DatLo, RdB_DatHi and RdB_DatLo capture groups in the Setup window (see Figure 9). This window is found by going to the LA Card’s Setup window, then clicking on the More button to the right of the clock select field. The TLA acquisition cards require a valid data window of approximately 300ps, and this window can be placed to begin from 15.098ns prior to the clock edge to 7.383ns after the edge in roughly 20ps increments. Each 32-bit data group (RdA_DatHi, RdA_DatLo, RdB_DatHi, RdB_DatLo) will require its own value programmed from the measurements noted in the MagniVu window.

Figure 9 - Setting B_DDR3D_XX RdA_DatHi / Lo and RdB_DatHi / Lo Sample Points



Doc. Rev. 1.11