Hyperfocal distance
The closest point a photographer can focus on where the depth of field includes infinity. When the lens is focused for hyperfocal distance, the deepest depth of field, covering from 1/2 the hyperfocal distance to infinity, can be obtained at each f/stop. The longer the focal length, the longer the hyperfocal distance; the smaller the aperture (the larger the f/number), the shorter the hyperfocal distance.
ISO film speed
The intemational standard for representing film sensitivity. The higher the number, the greater the sensitivity, and vice versa. A film speed of ISO 200 is twice as sensitive as ISO 100, and half that of ISO 400 film.
Matrix metering system
An advanced camera light metering system using a multi- segment sensor and computer; available in the N70 and other Nikon SLRs cameras.
When N70 camera is used with
Monitor Pre-flash(es)
When performing Automatic Balanced
the TIL sensor to be used for flash output control and adjusts the flash output level. The Monitor
Rear-Curtain Sync
Flash fires an instant before the second (rear) curtain of the focal plane shutter begins to move. When slow shutter speeds are used, this feature can create a blur effect from the ambient light, i.e., a
Single Servo AF
Once the subject is in focus, focus is locked. Useful for recomposing the picture.
Slow Sync
A flash technique for using the flash at a slow shutter speed. Flash shooting in dim light or at night at a fast shutter speed often results in a
The N70'sSlow Sync mode extends the automatically controlled shutter speed range (in Programmed Auto and