Regulatory and safety information
To prevent radio interference to the licensed service, this device must be operated indoors only and should be kept away from windows to provide maximum shielding.
こ の装置は、 情報処理装置等電波障害自主規制協議会 (V C C I ) の基準に基づ く ク ラ ス B 情報技術装置です。 この装置は、 家庭環境で使用する こ と を目的と し ていますが、 この 装置がラ ジオやテレ ビジ ョ ン受信機に近接し て使用される と、 受信障害を引き起こすこ と があ り ます。
取扱説明書に従って正しい取 り 扱いを し て下さい。
Table 12 lists EMC compliance for various jurisdictions.
Table 12: EMC compliance
Jurisdiction | Standard | Description |
United States | FCC CFR 47 | Class B Emissions: FCC Rules for Radio |
| Part 15 | Frequency Devices (see Notes 1 and 2) |
Canada | Class B Emissions: | |
| Equipment Standard: Digital Apparatus |
Australia/New | AS/NZS 3548 | Class B Emissions: Information technology |
Zealand | CISPR 22 | equipment - Radio disturbance |
European | EN 55022 | Class B Emissions: Information technology |
Community |
| equipment - Radio disturbance |
| EN 55024 | Information technology equipment - Immunity |
| characteristics |
| Limits and methods of measurement |
| EN | Limits for harmonic current emissions |
| (equipment input current <= 16 A per phase) |
| EN | Limitation of voltage fluctuations and flicker in |
| |
| with rated current <= 16 A |
Japan | VCCI | Regulations for voluntary control measures. |
.Table 13 lists Safety compliance for various jurisdictions.
Table 13: Safety compliance
Jurisdiction | Standard | Description |
United States | UL | Safety of Information Technology |
| Equipment |
Canada | CSA | Safety of Information Technology |
| Equipment |