Chapter 4 Management IP interface configuration 63
Configuring the management IP address
Use the serial interface to assign the VPN Router 1750 a management IP address and subnet mask so that you can then use a Web browser for management.
To configure the management IP address using the serial interface, perform the following steps:
1Turn on the terminal or PC.
2Configure the terminal or PC with the following specifications:
•9600 baud
•eight data bits
•one stop bit
•no parity
•no flow control
3Connect the serial cable (supplied with the VPN Router 1750) from the serial port on the gateway to a terminal or to the communications port on a PC.
4On the PC, start HyperTerminal or another terminal emulation program, and press Enter.
The Nortel VPN Router window appears with the following message:
Nortel VPN Router
Copyright (c)
Version: |
| V07_0.024 |
Creation | date: | Jul 6 2006, 08:23:16 |
Unit Serial Number: | 510649 |
Please enter the administrator's user name:
5Enter the default user name and password for the administrator.
The factory default user name is admin, and the default password is setup. The user name and password are case sensitive; see the following example.
Please enter the administrator's user name: admin
Please enter the administrator's password: *****