30 Converged Desktop Services
Feature implementation
For CDS to operate, youmust have the following conditions in place:
MCS 5100 clients must assume the location identifier (LOC) of a CS
1000 system. This enables one MCS 5100 system to provide CDS to
many CS 1000 systems, having the MCS 5100 clients assume the
location identifier (LOC) of each CS 1000 system.
The dialing plan and numbering plan between the CS 1000 systems and
the MCS 5100 system must be compatible. See "Dialing and numbering
plan issues for the mixed network" (page 30), and "Examples of dialing
and numbering plan configuration for mixed networks" (page 37).
Note: If the original converged phone is call forwarded to another
number, the forwardedphone is used as the terminator, however the
Converged Multimedia PC Client call window forthe or iginal Converged
phone continues to appear.

Implementation summary

In order to use SIP Converged Desktop Services, the SIP TrunkGateway
must first be configured. See IP Peer Networking Installation and
Commissioning (NN43001-313).
Configuration of the SIP CDS requires configuration on both the CS 1000
system and the MCS 5100 system. For CS 1000 configuration, refer to
"Configuring CS 1000" (page 49). For MCS 5100 configuration, refer to
"Configuring MCS 5100" (page 67).
Dialing and numbering plan issues for the mixed network
In a mixed CS 1000/MCS 5100 network, special attention must be placed
on addressing.
If a call is originated by a CS 1000 user and the call must terminate at an
MCS 5100 user, the destination address givento the MCS 5100 system
must make sense for the MCS translation engine. The same requirement
applies to the call in the opposite direction — a destination address passed
to the CS 1000 system by the MCS 5100 must makesense tothe CS 1000
translation engine.

Digit-based addresses and alphanumeric addresses

The CS 1000 translation engine supports only digit-based addresses. An
example is 5573.
The MCS 5100 translation engine supports both digit-based and
alphanumeric addresses. Examples are 3435573 and asmith.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Communication Server 1000 to MCS 5100 ConvergedDesktop Type 2 Configuration Guide
NN43001-321 01.05 Standard
Release 5.0 15 February 2008
Copyright© 2005-2008, Nor tel Networks