42 Examples of dialing and numbering plan configuration for mixed networks
Mixed network example: CDP
The following is an example of a dialing plan setup for a mixed CS
1000/MCS 5100 network. CDP numbers are used to dial among sites.

Sample network

The sample network has the following characteristics:
The network includes several sites.
Each site has a mixture of CS 1000 users, MCS 5100 users, and
Converged Desktop users.
Dialing within a site and between sites is done using CDP numbers
(no access code, 5-digit numbers).
Local PSTN hop-off is done by dialing 9 + local number.
AC1 = 9 is used for calls on the public network; AC2 = 6 is used for
calls on the private network.
National dialing is done by dialing 9 + 1 + national number.
International dialing is done by dialing 9 + 011 + international
Figure 12 "Network diagram: mixed CDP" (page 43) shows this network.
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Communication Server 1000 to MCS 5100 ConvergedDesktop Type 2 Configuration Guide
NN43001-321 01.05 Standard
Release 5.0 15 February 2008
Copyright© 2005-2008, Nor tel Networks