Implementation details 77
a. SelectProvisioning > Domains > mydomain.com > Telephony
Routes > Add RouteList in the Provisioning Client navigator.
The Create a New Route List web page opens, as shown in
Figure 30 "Provisioning Client: Create a New Route List" (page
Figure 30
Provisioning Client: Create a New Route List
b. Entera list name, such as myRouteList, in the Name text box.
c. Entera list description, such as myRouteList, in the Description
text box.
d. SelectALLOW from the Incoming Other Domain Tree Call
Routing drop-down list.
e. SelectALLOW from the Incoming Same Domain Tree Call
Routing drop-down list.
f. Select cdCOS from the Class of Service drop-down list.
5Click Save.
Configure routes for each dialing plan entryFor each dialing plan entry,you must configure the following routes:
•private CDP route
•private UDP route
•Gateway CDP route
Nortel Communication Server 1000
Communication Server 1000 to MCS 5100 ConvergedDesktop Type 2 Configuration Guide
NN43001-321 01.05 Standard
Release 5.0 15February 2008
Copyright© 2005-2008, Nor tel Networks