Cannot print.
•PRNUSBX WRITE ERROR is displayed.
Possible cause | Remedy |
Interface is disabled. | In the printer menu settings, enable Parallel or USB |
| interface. |
Printer is switched OFF. | Switch ON. |
Printer interface cable is | Reconnect the printer interface cable. |
disconnected. |
A converter, buffer, extension | Test by connecting printer and computer directly. |
cable or USB hub is being |
used. |
Printer driver output port is | Set correct output port to which the printer interface |
incorrect. | cable is connected. |
Printer is not selected in the | Select the printer or set to default printer. |
printer driver. |
Incorrect printer driver is | Delete this printer driver and install correct printer |
being used. | driver. |
Printing is slow.
Possible cause | Remedy |
Print processing is carried out by the computer.
Use a computer with a faster processor. Set lower print resolution in the printer driver
Data is too complex. | Simplify data. |
Printer requests paper size change to continue printing.
Possible cause
Paper loaded in tray is different size from that formatted in software application.
Either change paper in tray to match size formatted in application and press ONLINE to continue, or continue printing on existing paper by pressing ONLINE.