Using Voice
Recognition Software
Plus Using Voice Recognition Software
In conjunction with “ViaVoice” or “Dragon NaturallySpeaking”by Nuance Corp. Which are on the market, the files recorded in this recorder can be transferred to a computer and converted to text. Please see the instruction manual for the voice recognition software for details.
The voice recognition software which is confirmed for use with this recorder is as follows.
(As of September, 2006)
Nuance Communications Inc.
•IBM ViaVoice Pro USB Edition 10
•Dragon NaturallySpeaking 8/9
Please inquire to the Olympus Service Center regarding the situation for software to be released hereafter (☞ P159).
Also, when you use such software in combination with this recorder, please confirm the software operation with the user’s computer and the maker.
•For information about the ViaVoice
•Please contact Nuance for support information on Nuance Dragon NaturallySpeaking.