Changing a Folder Name
Changing a folder name in the Voice Folder window
You can change a folder name using the [Rename Folder] command from the [Edit] menu. A folder name can be up to 20 characters long and cannot use \ /:*?"<>.
Changing a folder name in the Device window
Device Window folder names consist of a string of 12 or fewer
•NEVER disconnect the USB while the record/play indicator light is flashing. If you do, the data will be destroyed.
Editing File Comments
It is possible to add comments to the files downloaded from the recorder by using the DSS Player.
Choose the [Edit Comments] command from the [Tools] menu.
Files comments can use up to 100 alphanumerical characters and symbols.
•NEVER disconnect the USB while the record/play indicator light is flashing. If you do, the data will be destroyed.
Changing a
Folder Name/Editing
File Comments