Reducing the time required for positioning
Updating the GPS assist data
Start up the “GPS Assist Tool” on the computer ■■Windows
••When the “GPS Assist Tool” is copied to the memory card, [GPSASIST.EXE] is stored in the [AD_LUMIX] folder.
••When the “GPS Assist Tool” is copied to the memory card, [GPSASIST.DMG] is stored in the [AD_LUMIX] folder.
The “GPS Assist Tool” will start up.
Operate the “GPS Assist Tool”
Click [Update]
Click [Yes]
Click [OK]
Click [Exit]
••Do not terminate the connection between the camera/card and computer until the data is updated.
Terminate the connection between camera/card and computer
••Windows: Execute “Safely Remove Hardware” on the taskbar
••Mac: Open the Finder and click the eject icon that appears on the sidebar
■■Changing the proxy settings
Perform the proxy settings only if the GPS assist data cannot be updated successfully when the computer is connected to the Internet via proxy.
Click [Settings]
Perform the proxy settings
Windows: Enable [Use proxy server.] and change the settings.
Mac: Change the settings using the network settings screen of the displayed system environment settings screen.