Cannot transmit audio to the camera.
The alarm occurrence indica- tion button, the receiver but- ton, the transmission button, the AUX buttons and the SD recording status indicator on the "Live" page do not dis- play the current status in real time.
Cannot return to the "Live" page by pressing the [Esc] key when displaying images on a full screen.
No live image is displayed.
Unnecessary title bar is dis- played when displaying images on a full screen.
No image is displayed on a full screen.
•Are images displayed on a full screen?
Audio will not be transmitted when displaying images on a full screen.
•Is the viewer software installed on the PC? Confirm that the viewer software "Network Camera View3" is installed.
•Is the OS in use Windows® 2000 Professional SP4? This occurs when using Windows® 2000 Professional SP4.
When it is inconvenient, it is recommended to operate on Windows® XP Professional SP2 or Windows® XP Home Edition SP2.
•Press the [F5] key on the keyboard of the PC or click the [Live] button.
•Open the "Security" tab of "Internet options…" under "Tools" on the menu bar of Internet Explorer. Then, add the IP address of the camera to "Trusted sites".
•Wasn’t the [Esc] key pressed before images are dis- played?
Close the browser window by pressing the [Alt] key and [F4] key simultaneously, etc.
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