as the following views:
Monthly View, Daily View, and Event View & Edit.
Press the [Menu] Soft key then select 7.Organiser then select 2.Calendar.
Monthly View
Calendar is displayed in this view by default.
In Calendar, select 1.Monthly View.
Press the following keys to move in Monthly View.
To: | Press: |
Move to another day | [l] Previous day |
| [r] Next day |
Move to another | [u] Previous week |
week | [d] Next week |
Move to the previous | [1] Previous month |
or next month | [3] Next month |
•View All Events: Shows all of your scheduled events
•Del. Past Events: Deletes your past scheduled events.
•Del. All Events: Deletes all of your scheduled events.
•Go to Today: Moves to today for selection.
82•Go to Date: Moves to the set date.
•Memory Info.: Displays the number of stored events (up to 50).
Use the scroll keys to select the date you want then press the [o] key.
For dates containing events, switch to Daily View to check the schedule.
Events recorded for a date are displayed at the bottom of the display as an icon.
Daily View
This function displays the events recorded for a date. Select a date then press the [o] key to view or edit the details of specific events.
In Calendar, select 2.Daily View.
To manage existing events, press the [Option] Soft key to select from the following functions.
•Delete: Deletes an event.
•Move Date: Transfers an event to a specific date.
•Delete All: Deletes all events.
•Send via Infrared Port: Sends the selected event via Infrared.