7. OpenLane Maintenance
Rebuilding Oracle Database Indexes
As records are added to and deleted from the database, indexes may become fragmented and index trees may increase in height, slowing access to the database.
The ol_rbldidx.sql script rebuilds indexes to maintain performance.
Indexes should be rebuilt weekly, or, if less frequently, as often as practicable.
To rebuild the indexes of the database named OpenLane every Sunday morning starting at 12:15 am on a Solaris system:
1.Move /opt/pdn/OpenLane/data/sql/scripts/Oracle/ Maintenance/ol_rbldidx.sql to the $ORACLE_HOME directory.
2.Create a shell script:
ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle; export ORACLE_HOME;
ORACLE_SID=OLDB; export ORACLE_SID; /opt/oracle/product/8.1.6/bin/sqlplus
my_username/my_password @ol_rbldidx
For this example, presume the script is saved as:
3.Create or a modify a crontab file with the entry:
15 0 * * sunday “/OL_Scripts/rebuild_ix“
For this example, presume the script is saved as:
4.Submit the crontab file to cron:
crontab /OL_Scripts/my_cronfile
January 2002 |