A. OLCmd Reference
OLCmd importldif
The importldif command adds entries to an LDAP database based on an LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) file.
The importldif command also uses the environmental variable LDAP, located in the file OLControlConfig (Solaris) or OLControlConfig.bat (Windows), to identify the socket used to connect to the LDAP database.
OLCmd importldif [-h host ] ldif_file
Where: |
host | Is the name or IP address of the OpenLane management |
| server. This parameter is optional. |
ldif_file | Is the pathname of the LDIF file to be imported. This |
| parameter is required. |
The following command imports data from an LDIF file to the LDAP database on olhost.exactcorp.com.
OLCmd importldif
January 2002 |