A. OLCmd Reference
OLCmd viewlog
The viewlog command displays selected records from a log file.
OLCmd viewlog
Where: |
Requests a list of available log files which may be | |
| specified as log_name. If |
| parameters are ignored. |
| Is the optional severity of log messages to be |
| displayed. log_type may be one of: |
| fi – Fatal and internal messages are displayed. |
| fic – Fatal, internal, and critical messages are |
| displayed. |
| ficw – Fatal, internal, critical, and warning |
| Tmessages are displayed. |
| full – All messages are displayed. |
| If |
| Is the optional starting date for log records to be |
| displayed. If omitted, records from the beginning of the |
| file are displayed. |
| Is the optional ending date for log records to be |
| displayed. If omitted, records up to the end of the file |
| are displayed. |
| Is the optional starting time for log records to be |
| displayed. If omitted, records from the beginning of |
| each day are displayed. |
| Is the optional ending time for log records to be |
| displayed. If omitted, records up to the end of each day |
| are displayed. |
| Specifies a userid. Log records containing the userid |
| are displayed. |
| January 2002 |