3. Installing OpenLane on Windows
The OpenLane Installation Program
o install OpenLane and the Apache Web server, execute the OpenLane setup.exe program. Follow the instructions and respond to the queries it presents. When installation of OpenLane is complete, restart Windows.
The OpenLane installation program:
Optionally installs and configures the Apache 1.3.12 Web server and the
Apache JServ. (This is not required for upgrades from earlier versions of
OpenLane 5.)
Default installation path for Apache software:
C:\Program Files\Apache Group\Apache
Recommended installation path for Apache software:
The Apache software is configured to use TCP port 80 for http requests. To modify the Apache Web server to use a port other than port 80, see Configuring Apache to Use a Different Port on page
Installs the OpenLane components, including the Cloudscape Java SQL
Default installation path for OpenLane software:
Establishes OpenLane as a Windows service that starts automatically when
TWindows does.
Includes Management Platform Integration Adapters for:
—HP OpenView Network Node Manager for Microsoft Windows NT
—HP OpenView for Windows Workgroup Node Manager
—Trap definition files
In addition, OpenLane is added to the menu structure of HP OpenView
Network Node Manager.
—You do not have to install the Apache Web server at C:\opt\apache and OpenLane at C:\opt\pdn\OpenLane. However, it is highly recommended that you install Apache and OpenLane on the same drive.
If you do not use the standard directory names, substitute the names you use for the directory references in this document.
—If you will be distributing the Web server, you must install OpenLane and Apache in the same directory path on the Web server and the OpenLane Management system. The path cannot exceed 18 characters.
January 2002 |