7. OpenLane Maintenance
Legacy Logger Log Files
hese files are created if pdn.uhpoller.legacyLogger is enabled (set to true) in preferences.dat:
Solaris: /opt/pdn/OpenLane/logs/UHReader.log /opt/pdn/OpenLane/logs/UHPoller_default.log
Windows: c:\opt\pdn\OpenLane\logs\UHReader.log c:\opt\pdn\OpenLane\logs\UHPoller_default.log
Archiving and Deleting Log Files
he clean function of OLCmd renames log files and deletes log files older than a specified number of days. Periodic use of the command keeps your log files at a manageable size.
For example, the command:
OLCmd clean logs .log 14
(executed in the OpenLane home directory) performs two functions. It:
Renames any file in the OpenLane logs directory that has a file extension of
.log to a file extension of .log_yyyy_mm_dd.arc (where yyyy_mm_dd is the
Tcurrent date)
Deletes any file in the OpenLane logs directory that has a file extension of .arc and was created more than 14 days ago
For more information about the clean function, see Appendix A, OLCmd Reference. The running of the clean function can be automated using cron (under Solaris) or at (under Windows). See Automating the Generation of Scheduled Reports on page
January 2002 |