A. OLCmd Reference
OLCmd dbroll
User history statistics are stored by
OLCmd dbroll
Where: |
Optionally specifies the user history database to roll | |
database_instance | up. If no database is specified, the default database is |
| used. |
| Optionally specifies the start time of statistics to be |
| rolled up, in the form YYYYMMDDhhmmss. |
| Example: 20011012235959 denotes one second |
| before midnight (23:59:59) on October 12, 2001. If |
| not specified, |
| user history database. |
| Optionally specifies the end time of statistics to be |
| rolled up, in the form YYYYMMDDhhmmss. |
| Example: 20020101000000 denotes midnight |
| (00:00:00) on January 1, 2002. If not specified, |
| ends at the end of the user history database. |
| Optionally specifies the IP address of a device whose |
| statistics are to be rolled up. If not specified, statistics |
| for all devices are rolled up. |
If specified, statistics that are successfully rolled up | |
| are deleted from the database. |
Prints usage notes similar to those shown here. |
To roll up and delete
OLCmd dbroll '-e 20010101000000 -r'
January 2002 |