5. In the Modify Serial Port window, set the parameters shown in the next table
Parameter | Set to |
Port Type | Select either Local Terminal or Modem |
Configure port | incoming only |
Speed | the speed value you require |
Because the system does not support the selection of speeds above 115200 bps, lower baud rates have been permanently remapped to support higher port speeds. Remapped speeds are shown in the next table.
Selected speed (bps) | Actual speed (bps) |
50 | 230400 |
75 | 460800 |
110 | 921600 |
6.In the Modify Serial Port window, click on the Port settings button. The Port settings window is now displayed.
7.In the Port settings window, select the Data bits and Parity values you require and click on OK.
8.In the Modify Serial Port window, click on OK to accept the changes you have made and close the window.
9.Repeat steps 3. to 8. until you have configured the serial ports for all the host cards you require.
10.In the Serial Manager menu click on Host > Quit to quit Serial Manager and close the window.
UltraPort Serial Adaptors User Guide | Chapter 2 Installing drivers and host cards |
Installing under SCO UnixWare | Page 70 |