UltraPort 8i and UltraPort81 Express RTS/DTR option
The utility is used as follows:
The Perle UltraPort8i and Ultraport81 Express can only support either RTS or DTR. There is a utility included with this driver to configure which signal will be active. The configuration is stored in the modules.conf file.
set_io8_rts off
This is the default action. The driver will use the pin as "DTR" when the tty is in soft- ware handshake mode.
set_io8_rts on
If this option is used or hardware handshake is on, the pin will always be RTS.
The perle serial module will have to be unloaded and reloaded for the
RTS/CTS option to take effect.
Setultrap Interface Protocol Configuration Utility (UltraPort SI only)
Perle provides a command line utility that allows the user to configure each UltraPort SI serial ports for features
The default interface protocol for the Perle UltraPort SI cards is
UltraPort Serial Adaptors User Guide | Chapter 2 Installing drivers and host cards |
Installing under Linux | Page 91 |