–Introductionto connection
operations 27
–Usinga Bluetooth device to pair 28
–Pairingfrom this unit 28
–Disconnectinga Bluetooth device 29
–Deletinga paired Bluetooth device 29
–Connectinga paired Bluetooth device
andselecting a service 29
–Connectingto a Bluetooth device
automatically 30
–Displayingsystem version for
repair 30
–DisplayingBD (Bluetooth Device)
address 30
–Editingdevice name 30
–EnteringPIN code for Bluetooth
wirelessconnection 31
BluetoothAudio 31
–Settingup for Bluetooth audio 32
–BasicOperations 32
–Introductionto advanced
operations 32
–Playingsongs on a Bluetooth audio
player 32
–Stoppingplayback 32
BluetoothTelephone 32
–Settingup for hands-free phoning 33
–Makinga phone call 33
–Takinga phone call 33
–Usingthe phone number list 34
–Callinga number in the phone
book 34
–Usingthe missed, received and dialed
calllists 35
–Introductionto advanced
operations 35
–Transferringentries to the phone
book 36
–Settingautomatic answering 36
–Adjustingthe intended party’s listening
volume 36
–Switchingthe ring tone 37
–Makinga call by entering phone
number 37
–Settingthe private mode 37
Introductionof audio adjustments 38
Usingbalance adjustment 38
Usingthe equalizer 38
–Recallingequalizer curves 38
–Adjustingequalizer curves 39
–Fine-adjustingequalizer curve 39
Adjustingloudness 39
Usingsubwoofer output 40
–Adjustingsubwoofer settings 40
Usingthe high pass filter 40
Boostingthe bass 41
Adjustingsource levels 41
Adjustinginitial settings 42
Selectingthe language 42
Settingthe date 42
Settingthe clock 42
Switchingthe warning tone 43
Switchingthe auxiliary setting 43
Settingthe rear output and subwoofer
output 43
Switchingthe ever scroll 44
Activatingthe BT AUDIO source 44
Resettingthe Bluetooth wireless technology
module 44
Updatingthe software about Bluetooth
connection 44
Usingthe AUX source 45
–AboutAUX1 (auxiliary device 1) and
AUX2(auxiliary device 2) 45
En 3