%PressS.Rtrv/SAT MODE repeatedly to
selectthe desired channel select setting.
CHNUMBER (channel number select setting)
CATEGORY(channel category select
#Ifyou do not operate the function within about
30seconds, the display is automatically returned
tothe channel display.
Youcan also perform this operation in the menu
thatappears by using MULTI-CONTROL.

Selectinga channel in the channel


1 Switchthe channel select settings to
Referto Selecting the XM channel select mode
onthe previous page.
2 PushMULTI-CONTROL up or down to
selectthe desired channel category.
3 PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right to
selectthe desired channel in the selected

Displaying the Radio ID

Channelnumber select setting

1 Selectthe channel select settings to
Referto Selecting the XM channel select mode
onthe previous page.
2 PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right to
selectRADIO ID.
#Ifyou select another channel, display of the ID
codeis canceled.
#Displayof the ID code repeats displaying
RADIOID and the ID code one after the other.
SIRIUS Satellite Radio tuner

Listening to SIRIUS Satellite Radio

Youcan use this unit to control a SIRIUS Satel-
liteRadio tuner, which is sold separately.
Whenthe SIRIUS tuner is used together with
thisunit, some operations differ slightly from
thosedescribed in the SIRIUS operation man-
ual.This manual provides information on
thesepoints. For all other information on
usingthe SIRIUS tuner, please refer to the SIR-
IUSoperation manual.
%Selectinga SIRIUS band
#Bandcan be selected from SR1,SR2 or SR3.
%Selectinga channel
PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right.
#Ifyou push and hold MULTI-CONTROL left or
right,you can increase or decrease channel num-
#Youcan also perform tuning from a desired
channelcategory. (Refer to Selecting the SIRIUS
channelselect mode on the next page.)
Itmay take a few seconds before you can hear
anythingwhile this unit acquires and processes
thesatellite signal when you change the source
toSIRIUS tuner or select a channel.

Switching the SIRIUS display

%PressDISP/SCRL to switch the SIRIUS
Eachpress of DISP/SCRL changes the SIRIUS
displayin the following order:
PlaytimeChannel numberChannel name
CategorynameArtist nameSong title/
programtitleComposer name
#Playtime is displayed during the Instant Re-
playmode. Refer to Using Instant Replay function
onpage 52.
Available accessories
En 49