Stoppingplayback 27
Connectingto a Bluetooth audio player
automatically 27
DisplayingBD (Bluetooth Device)
address 28
BluetoothTelephone 28
Settingup for hands-free phoning 28
Introductionof connection and
registration 29
Connectingand disconnecting a
cellularphone 29
Makinga phone call 32
Takinga phone call 33
Usingthe phone number list 33
Usingthe call history 34
Usingthe phone book 34
Usingpreset numbers 36
Introductionto advanced
operations 37
Downloadingphone books from your
cellularphone 38
Transferringentries to the phone
book 39
Settingthe automatic connection 39
Settingautomatic answering 39
Echocanceling and noise
reduction 39
Switchingthe ring tone 40
Makinga call by entering phone
number 40
Clearingmemory 40
Changingthe phone book display
order 40
Selectingmenu language 41
Introductionof audio adjustments 42
Usingbalance adjustment 42
Usingthe equalizer 42
Recallingequalizer curves 42
Adjustingequalizer curves 43
Fine-adjustingequalizer curve 43
Adjustingloudness 43
Usingsubwoofer output 44
Adjustingsubwoofer settings 44
Usingthe high pass filter 44
Boostingthe bass 45
Adjustingsource levels 45
Adjustinginitial settings 46
Settingthe date 46
Settingthe clock 46
Switchingthe warning tone 46
Switchingthe auxiliary setting 47
Settingthe rear output and subwoofer
controller 47
Switchingthe sound muting/attenuation 47
Settingthe internal power amplifier 48
Switchingthe ever scroll 48
Activatingthe BT AUDIO source 48
EnteringPIN code for Bluetooth wireless
connection 48
Editingdevice name 49
Displayingsystem version for repair 49
Resettingthe Bluetooth wireless technology
module 49
Updatingthe software about Bluetooth
connection 50
Usingthe AUX source 51
AboutAUX1 and AUX2 51
AUX1source: 51
AUX2source: 51
SelectingAUX as the source 51
Settingthe AUX title 51
Usingthe external unit 51
Selectingthe external unit as the
source 51
Basicoperation 52
Advancedoperations 52
Turningthe clock display on or off 52
Switchingthe display indication and button
illumination 52
Usingthe PGM button 52
En 3