#Youcan also change the station by pushing
MULTI-CONTROLup or down.
#Ifyou do not operate the list within about 30
seconds,the display is automatically returned to
theordinary display.
Usingthe remote control
%Whenyou find a station that you want
tostore in memory, press one of preset
tuningbuttons 1 to 6 and hold until the
XMpreset number stops flashing.
Thenumber you have pressed willflash in the
XMpreset number indicator and then remain
lit.The selected station has been stored in
Thenext time you press the same preset tun-
ingbutton the station is recalled from mem-
#Youcan also recall stations assigned to preset
tuningnumbers by pushing MULTI-CONTROL up

Switching the XM channel

select mode

Youhave two methods for selecting a channel:
bynumber and by category. When selecting
bynumber, channels in any category can be
selected.Select by category to narrow your
searchdown to only channels in a particular
%PressSAT MODE repeatedly to select
thedesired channel select setting.
CHNUMBER (channel number select setting)
CATEGORY(channel category select
Youcan also perform this operation in the menu
thatappears by using MULTI-CONTROL.

Selectinga channel in the channel


1 Selectthe channel select settings to
Referto Switching the XM channel select mode
onthis page.
2 PushMULTI-CONTROL up or down to
selectthe desired channel category.
3 PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right to
selectthe desired channel in the selected

Displaying the Radio ID

Channelnumber select setting

1 Selectthe channel select settings to
Referto Switching the XM channel select mode
onthis page.
2 PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right to
selectRADIO ID.
#Ifyou select another channel, display of the ID
codeis canceled.
#Displayof the ID code repeats displaying
RADIOID and the ID code one after the other.
SIRIUS Satellite Radio tuner

Listening to SIRIUS Satellite Radio

Youcan use this unit to control a SIRIUS Satel-
liteRadio tuner, which is sold separately.
Whenthe SIRIUS tuner is used together with
thisunit, some operations differ slightly from
thosedescribed in the SIRIUS operation man-
ual.This manual provides information on
thesepoints. For all other information on
usingthe SIRIUS tuner, please refer to the SIR-
IUSoperation manual.
%Selecta SIRIUS band.
#Bandcan be selected from SR1,SR2 or SR3.
Available accessories