5 SelectPAIRE FROM PHONE and then
pressMULTI-CONTROL to ready for pairing.
READYwill be displayed.
6 Useyour cellular phone to establish
PINcode is set to 0000 as the default. You can
changethis code in the initial setting. Refer to
EnteringPIN code for Bluetooth wireless con-
nectionon page 48.
Whileconnecting, CONNECTING is displayed.
Ifthe connection is established, COMPLETED
Afterconnected, this unit automatically
changesto PH. BOOK DL (phone book down-
loadconfirmation) display.
#Ifthe connection fails, ERROR is displayed. In
thiscase, check the cellular phone and try again.
#Ifthree cellular phones have already been
paired,the pairing assignment selection display
willappear. Select one assignment to pair the
newphone. The newly paired phone overwrites
thepreviously paired phone. The assignment se-
lectionoperation is the same as Step 3 to 4of
Pairinga connected cellular phone on the next
pageexcept for the operation below.
!Switchingthe BD address and device name
7 UseMULTI-CONTROL to decide to
downloadthe phone book from your cellu-
larphone or not.
PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right to select
NO(No) or YES (Yes).
PressMULTI-CONTROL to decide.
Whenyou select YES, this unit changes to
PHBOOK DOWNLOAD and the download op-
erationautomatically begins. After complet-
ing,DATA DOWNLOADED is displayed.
Accordingto the circumstances, this unit
changesto PH BOOK TRANSFER. In this case,
referto step 4 on Transferring entries to the
phonebook on page 39.
#Whenyou select NO, the display reverts to
Usingthis unit to initiate a connection1 Displaythe connection menu.
Referto Introduction of connection and regis-
trationon the previous page.
2 UseMULTI-CONTROL to select
3 UseMULTI-CONTROL to select a group.
PushMULTI-CONTROL up or down to select a
NOKIA(Nokia)—STANDARD (standard)
#Normallyselect STANDARD. If the device of
Nokiais not paired to this unit, select NOKIA.
#PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right to display
agroup name or an ID.
4 PressMULTI-CONTROL to switch to
PushMULTI-CONTROL up or down to switch
5 SelectSEARCH DEVICE and then press
MULTI-CONTROLto start searching.
Whilesearching, SEARCHING is displayed.
#Ifthis unit fails to find any available cellular
phones,NOT FOUND is displayed.
6 UseMULTI-CONTROL to select a device.
PushMULTI-CONTROL up or down to select a
devicename you want to connect.
PressMULTI-CONTROL to select a device
#PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right to switch
theBD address and device name.
7 Useyour cellular phone to establish
PINcode is set to 0000 as the default. You can
changethis code in the initial setting. Refer to
EnteringPIN code for Bluetooth wireless con-
nectionon page 48.
Whileconnecting, CONNECTING is displayed.
Ifthe connection is established, COMPLETED
Afterconnected, this unit automatically
changesto PH. BOOK DL (phone book down-
loadconfirmation) display.
Operating this unit