Playingsongs on iPod 54
Basicoperation 54
Displayingtext information on
iPod 54
Browsingfor a song 54
Introductionto advanced
operations 54
Playingsongs in a random order
(shuffle) 55
XMtuner 55
Listeningto XM Satellite Radio 55
Selectingan XM channel directly 55
Switchingthe XM display 55
Storingand recalling broadcast
stations 55
Switchingthe XM channel select
mode 56
Displayingthe Radio ID 56
SIRIUSSatellite Radio tuner 56
Listeningto SIRIUS Satellite Radio 56
Selectinga SIRIUS channel
directly 57
Switchingthe SIRIUS display 57
Storingand recalling broadcast
stations 57
Introductionof advanced
operations 57
Selectingthe SIRIUS channel select
mode 58
Usingthe Game Alert function 58
Displayingthe Radio ID 59
UsingInstant Replay function 59
HDRadio tuner 60
BasicOperations 60
Storingand recalling broadcast
frequencies 60
Switchingthe display 60
Introductionto advanced
operations 61
Switchingthe seek mode 61
Switchingthe reception mode 61
Multi-CDPlayer 61
BasicOperations 61
UsingCD TEXT functions 62
Selectinga track directly 62
Introductionto advanced
operations 62
Usingcompression and bass
emphasis 63
UsingITS playlists 63
Usingdisc title functions 64
DVDPlayer 65
BasicOperations 65
Selectinga disc 65
Selectinga folder 65
Introductionto advanced
operations 65
TVtuner 67
BasicOperations 67
Storingand recalling broadcast
stations 67
Storingthe strongest broadcast
stationssequentially 68
Troubleshooting 69
Errormessages 69
Handlingguideline of discs and player 71
DualDiscs 71
Compressedaudio compatibility 71
Compressedaudio files on the disc 72
Exampleof a hierarchy 72
USBaudio player/USB memory 72
USBaudio player/USB memory
compatibility 72
Handlingguideline and supplemental
information 73
iPod 74
Abouthandling the iPod 74
AboutiPod settings 74
Bluetoothprofiles 74
Specifications 75