4 PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right to
selecta desired level.
Eachtime MULTI-CONTROL is pushed left or
right,level is selected in the following order:
LOW(low)—MID (mid)—HIGH (high)
Using subwoofer outputThisunit is equipped with a subwoofer output
whichcan be turned on or off.
Also,phase can be selected between normal
1 Displaythe audio menu.
Referto Introduction of audio adjustments on
2 UseMULTI-CONTROL to select SUB W1.
3 PressMULTI-CONTROL to turn subwoo-
feroutput on.
NORMALappears in the display. Subwoofer
outputis now on.
#Toturn subwoofer output off, press
4 PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right to
selectthe phase of subwoofer output.
PushMULTI-CONTROL left to select reverse
phaseand REV appears in the display. Push
MULTI-CONTROLright to select normal phase
andNORMAL appears in the display.
Adjusting subwoofer settings
Whenthe subwoofer output is on,you can ad-
justthe cut-off frequency and the output level
ofthe subwoofer.
!Whenthe subwoofer output is on,you can
selectSUB W2.
1 Displaythe audio menu.
Referto Introduction of audio adjustments on
2 UseMULTI-CONTROL to select SUB W2.
3 PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right to
selectcut-off frequency.
Eachtime MULTI-CONTROL is pushed left or
right,cut-off frequencies are selected in the
4 PushMULTI-CONTROL up or down to
adjustthe output level of the subwoofer.
Eachtime MULTI-CONTROL is pushed up or
down,subwoofer level increases or decrease s.
+6to –24 is displayed as the level is increased
Using the high pass filterWhenyou do not want low sounds from the
subwooferoutput frequency range to play
fromthe front or rear speakers, turn on the
HPF(high pass filter). Only frequencies higher
thanthose in the selected range are output
fromthe front or rear speakers.
1 Displaythe audio menu.
Referto Introduction of audio adjustments on
2 UseMULTI-CONTROL to select HPF.
3 PressMULTI-CONTROL to turn high
passfilter on.
80HZappears in the display. High pass filter is
#Ifthe high pass filter has been previously ad-
justed,the frequency of that previously selected
willbe displayed instead of 80HZ.
#Toturn high pass filter off, press
4 PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right to
selectcut-off frequency.
Eachtime MULTI-CONTROL is pushed left or
right,cut-off frequencies are selected in the
Audio Adjustments