3 PressMULTI-CONTROL to turn auto-
maticconnection on.
Ifyour Bluetooth audio player is ready for
Bluetoothwireless connection, connection to
thisunit is automatically established.
#Toturn automatic connection off, press
Displaying BD (Bluetooth
Device) address
Thisunit displays the BD address of this unit.
1 Displaythe function menu.
Referto Introduction to advanced operations
onthe previous page.
2 UseMULTI-CONTROL to select
DEVICEINFO in the function menu.
3 PushMULTI-CONTROL left to switch to
theBD address.
12-digithexadecimal string is displayed.
#PushingMULTI-CONTROL right returns to the
Bluetooth TelephoneImportant
!Sincethis unit is on standby to connect with
yourcellular phone via Bluetooth wireless
technology,using this unit without running
theengine can result in battery drainage.
!Advancedoperations that require your atten-
tionsuch as dialing numbers on the monitor,
usingphone book, etc., are prohibited while
youare driving. When you need to use these
advancedoperations, stop your vehicle in a
Setting up for hands-free phoning
Beforeyou can use the hands-free phoning
functionyou must set up the unit for use with
yourcellular phone. This entails establishing a
Bluetoothwireless connection between this
unitand your phone, pairing your phone with
thisunit, and adjusting the volume level.
1 Connection
Fordetailed instructions on connecting your
phoneto this unit via Bluetooth wireless tech-
nology,refer to Connecting and disconnecting
acellular phone on the next page.
2 Pairing
Pairingis usually performed automatically
duringthe connection operation. You only
needto perform this operation manuallywhen
yourphone is connected temporarily for any
Werecommend you pair the phone to this unit
tomake best use of the technology.
Topair your temporarily connected phone,
referto Pairing a connected cellular phone on
3 Volumeadjustment
Adjustthe earpiece volume on your cellular
phonefor comfort. When adjusted, the volume
levelis recorded in this unit as the default set-
#Caller’svoice volume and ring volume may
varydepending on the type of cellular phone.
Operating this unit