3 PushMULTI-CONTROL up or down to
selecta pairing assignment.
1(userphone 1)—2(user phone 2)—3(user
#PushMULTI-CONTROL left or right to switch
theBD address and device name.
#Ifa phone is already assigned to the user
phonenumber, the new phone will overwrite the
#Asyou select each assignment, you can see
whetheror not a phone is already paired. If the
assignmentis empty, NO DATAis displayed.
4 PressMULTI-CONTROL to pair the cur-
rentlyconnected phone.
Whenpairing is completed, COMPLETED is
#Ifthe pairing fails, REGISTER ERROR is dis-
played.In this case, return to step 1 and tr y
Deletinga registered phone
1 Displaythe connection menu.
Referto Introduction of connection and regis-
trationon page 29.
2 UseMULTI-CONTROL to select
3 PushMULTI-CONTROL up or down to
selecta pairing assignment.
1(userphone 1)—2(user phone 2)—3(user
#PushMULTI-CONTROL left to display the BD
addressof the selected device.
#Ifthe assignment is empty, NO DATAis dis-
playedand operation is not possible.
4 PushMULTI-CONTROL right to select
DELETEYES is displayed. Deleting phone is
nowon standby.
5 PressMULTI-CONTROL to delete the
Afterthe phone is deleted, DELETED is dis-
Making a phone callDiala number
Themost basic way to make a call is to simply
dialthe number.
Referto Making a call by entering phone num-
beron page 40 for detailed instructions.
Callinga number in the Phone Book
orthe Call History
Referto Calling a number in the phone bookon
page34 and Using the call histor y on page 34
fordetailed instructions.
Numbersthat you dial frequently can be as-
signedto presets for quick recall.
Referto Using preset numbers on page 36 for
howto assign a number to a preset.
Ifyour cellular phone features voice recogni-
tiontechnology, you can make a call by voice
!Operationvaries depending on the type of
cellularphone. Refer to the instruction
manualthat came with your cellular phone
fordetailed instructions.
!Thisfunction can be operated only when
theconnection is established with HFP
(HandsFree Profile).
1 PressBAND/ESC and hold until
VOICEDIAL appears in the display.
WhenVOICE DIAL ON is displayed, voice re-
cognitionfunction is ready.
#Ifyour cellular phone does not feature voice
recognitionfunction, NO VOICE DIAL appears in
thedisplay and operation is not possible.
2 Pronouncethe name of your contact.
Operating this unit