·Usage and Maintenance
Warning |
During a thunder storm, | Do not insert any metal | Do not all ow ch il - | Never attempt to disas- | ||
please unplug the elec - | objects such as chop- | dren to climb or play | semble, repair or modify | ||
trical | cor ds and never | sticks, wires and drills | on the main body. If | the equipment. | |
touch | th e anten na | into the monitor ventila- | it fa lls over i t can | ·It can cause an electrical | |
cable. |
| tor or A/V terminal. | cause serious injury. | shock or a fire. If it requires | |
·It can cause an electrical | ·It can cause an electrical |
| repair, please contact an | ||
| authorized service center. | ||||
| shock or a fire. | shock or a fire. |
| ||
| Caution |
When removing the batter- | Unplug the monitor if | When moving the monitor, | If the monitor is emitting | |
ies in the remote control, | you do n ot intend to | please turn off the power switch | smoke or an unusual | |
make sure that children do | use it for a long time. | and unplug the electrical cords | smell, immediately turn | |
from the outlet. Also make sure | ||||
not eat them. Please place | An electrical fire can be | that the external connection | the power off, pull out | |
the batteries in a locations | caused by the genera- | cords are unplugged ( such as | the plug and then con- | |
out of reach from children. | tion of heat, insulation | antenna cable and equipment | tact an authorized ser- | |
·If children eat them, imme- | degrad ation or the | connections) prior to moving it. | vice center. | |
diately consult a doctor. | accumulation of dust. | ·The el ectrical cords can be dam- | ·It can cause an electrical | |
| ag ed an d cause a n el ectri cal | |||
| shock or a fire. | shock or a fire. |
When transporting the | If there is any dusts or | For the cleaning of the | When cleaning the mon- |
product, at least tw o | water on the pins and | interior of the item, con- | itor, unplug the electrical |
people should carry it. | connections of the plug, | sult an authorized deal- | co rd and wi pe w ith a |
If it is dropped, serious | please wipe it off. | er or service center. A | soft and dry cloth. |
injury can occur. | ·It can cause an elec- | fire or fai lure of th e | ·Never wash with chemicals |
| trical shock or a fire. | equipment can occur if it | such as industrial glaze, |
| is not cleaned regularly. | wax, be nzene, a lco hol, |